why choose naturopathInterested in seeing a naturopathic doctor but not sure why?

Here are the top reasons to see Dr. Kully Sraw – Victoria Naturopath:


You lead a healthy life-style.
You need guidance on healthy life-style.
Need guidance on appropriate supplementation.
You want to make an informed decision about your health.
You are confused by contradictory health claims.
You are confused by inundated health advice.
You have vague complaints but aren’t sick enough to see a medical doctor or use medication.
You are concerned about long-term side effects of medication.
You have health issues which have many specialists baffled.
You are feeling overwhelmed, over-burdened, confused and do not know what to do or where to turn to for help.
The medication you are taking causes side effects which seem to be worse than the original problem.
You don’t feel ‘on’.
Something is ‘off’.
You don’t feel well and want to feel better.
You feel good, but, want to feel better.
You are motivated to do something about your health.