Comprehensive Naturopathic Medicine

For Health. For Well Being.

Intravenous (IV) Therapy

This therapy is one of the fastest and most efficient ways to deliver fluids and nutrients to your body and bloodstream.  By injecting nutrients the affect on the health of cells and tissues of the body is direct.

The human body has an amazing ability to heal itself.  Healing from illness or disease requires work that the body may be unable to perform properly.  It becomes burdened and too sick to run its own healing processes.  The innate and natural reparative processes are restricted as the cells are unable to do the work of transporting nutrients and properly absorb nutrients in the form of food or supplementation.



IV Therapy allows for a delivery of nutrients directly into the body and bloodstream at high concentrations to support and augment healing.  It is a safe and effective way to enhance the therapeutic response.  Substances given this way allows direct and better access to the bloodstream, which is particularly necessary for individuals whose absorptive ability of the gastrointestinal tract is limited or impaired.  Higher concentrations of nutrients are achieved this way, where it is not possible with oral means.  As the body heals, cells regain their ability to actively transport vitamins, minerals and other nutrients on their own and the body’s own healing process can then take over.



Numerous naturopathic medicaments can be delivered through IV and Injections Therapy.  Dr. Sraw uses specific formulas that are specifically tailored to meet your needs.



Vitamin Injection Therapy with intravenous and other routes of injections of naturopathic medicaments is a safe and effective way to enhance the therapeutic response.



What types of conditions can Vitamin Injection Therapy help with?

  • Acute or Chronic Viral Infections (mono, influenza, herpes)
  • Poor Immunity (recurrent, chronic infections)
  • Autoimmune Conditions
  • Neurological Conditions
  • Cardiovascular Conditions
  • Cancer
  • Fatigue
  • Migraines
  • Tension Headaches, Muscle Spasms
  • Asthma
  • Digestive Disturbances 
  • Vitamin-Mineral Deficiencies
  • Chronic Pain Conditions Such As Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Chronic Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Heavy Metal Toxicity (Chelation Therapy)
  • General Wellness
  • Anti-Aging


What can I expect with Vitamin Injection Therapy? 

The response to treatment varies and depends on the overall health of the patient, severity and chronicity of health concerns, and the type of therapy.  Most will only require a few treatments, but some may require many more on an ongoing basis or as the maintenance part of the program.  As treatment begins, Dr. Sraw will be able to monitor how you respond and provide a better estimate of how many treatments may be required.

Vitamin injection therapy is seldom used alone.  For best outcomes to meet your health needs Dr. Sraw will incorporate non-invasive techniques such as dietary and lifestyle modifications and supplementation.  This therapy is at its best when applied in a multi-facet treatment plan where it is used to treat a variety of conditions.

In order to fully evaluate your health, various assessment methods are utilized; which includes a complete history, to fully evaluate your health.  Diagnostic tests are used to assess your physiology, review how well your body absorbs nutrients, and determine which approach and formula is indicated.



Your Next Steps

Step 1


Your initial session is your opportunity to share your health goals, and for Dr. Sraw to gather vital information that will help determine the root cause of your concerns and to determine the best treatment plan for you.

A complete medical and lifestyle history regarding the details of your current and past health concerns, lifestyle and current medication and supplementation is taken during your initial session.


Step 2

Further Testing

As need be, Dr. Sraw will suggest further testing be conducted to uncover any questions remaining by the end of the first session.  Tests you have completed from the past may be requested, as well.  Further testing may include:  Labwork, additional physiologic assessment (digestive, hormone, heavy metal, etc), and/or Applied Kinesiolgy.

Step 3


Your initial session will include a physical examination, vitals check, and/or applied kinesiology to assess your health and ensure safety.


Click below to book your session with Dr. Sraw or call (250)477-5776

Other Services Offered

Regenerative Injection Therapy

Regenerative Injection Therapies (RIT) involve the injection of solution into damaged soft tissue to promote your body to self heal connective tissue like collagen, ligaments, cartilage and tendons.


Neural Therapy

Neural therapy is a powerful treatment that can be quite effective in resolving autonomic nervous system dysfunction and pain, especially in the complex pain patient.


Ozone and Oxidative Therapy

As we age our body’s ability to utilize oxygen decreases.  Sub-optimal transport and usage of oxygen impairs vital reactions in the body to heal and remain healthy.  Ozone and Oxidative Therapies improve oxygen utilization.


Chelation Therapy

Chelation therapy is method of detoxification of heavy metals that burden the body from optimal function relating to energy, sleep, cardiovascular health and immunity.    


Perineural Injection Treatment

Perineural Injection Therapy (PIT), synonymously referred as Neural Prolotherapy (NPT), is a safe and effective treatment for those suffering from inflamed and injured nerves causing pain.