Comprehensive Naturopathic Medicine

For Health. For Well Being.

Ozone and Oxidative Therapy

As we age our body’s ability to utilize oxygen decreases.  Sub-optimal utilization and usage of oxygen impairs vital reactions in the body to health and remain healthy.  Ozone and Oxidative Therapies improve a cell’s ability to use oxygen.

“Ozone can act as a disinfectant, an oxygen donor, an immunomodulatar, a paradoxical inducer of antioxidant enzymes, a metabolic enhancer, an inducer of endothelial nitric acid synthase and possibly an activator of stem cells with consequent neovascularization and tissue reconstruction.”

– Dr. Velio Bocci (leading world expert in ozone therapy) 


 What is Ozone Therapy?



How Does Ozone and Oxidative Therapies Work?

Ozone and Oxidative Therapies improve oxygen utilization within the mitochondria, the energy producing powerhouse of the cell.  Without mitochondria life would not exist beyond single celled organisms.  Sub-optimal levels of mitochondrial function can occur through poor diet, hormone imbalances, heavy metal and toxin exposure, some medicine exposure, mold exposure, poor circulation, tissue injury and lifestyle inactivity.  It translates as sub-optimal mitochondrial function which means sub-optimal energy production by the cell to heal and remain healthy.

Ozone and oxidative therapies also modulate the immune system and inflammation by affecting cytokine production and antioxidant systems.

Ozone Therapy can be administered through rectal insufflations, vaginal insufflations, Prolozone injections, sinus cavity injections, dental injection or topically using limb bagging techniques or ozonated olive oil.  One of the most powerful ways is by intravenous use, for systemic action.

The most suitable method will be chosen for you based on your history and safety.

Very often, Ozone and Oxidative Therapies will not be stand-alone therapies.  Typically, they are combined with other therapies like Prolotherapy (Prolozone), PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma), Neural Therapy, Nutritional Therapy and Modifications,  Hormone Balancing, Heavy Metal / Toxin Elimination and Detoxification.



Applications of Ozone and Oxidative Therapies:


  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Viral Infections
  • Fungal Infections
  • Bacterial Infections
  • Lyme Disease
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Dental Infections
  • Premature Aging or infirmities of aging like fatigue, muscle aches
  • Pain – acute or chronic



Your Next Steps

Step 1


Your initial session is your opportunity to share your health goals, and for Dr. Sraw to gather vital information that will help determine the root cause of your concerns and to determine the best treatment plan for you.

A complete medical and lifestyle history regarding the details of your current and past health concerns, lifestyle and current medication and supplementation is taken during your initial session.


Step 2

Further Testing

If Dr. Sraw believes Ozone and Oxidative therapies could be a helpful addition to your treatment plan, he will recommend further testing, which will include a G6PD test, a simple blood test.  This test determines if your body has sufficient levels of an enzyme known as G6PD; healthy levels of this enzyme are required to proceed with Ozone and Oxidative therapies.

If needed, Dr. Sraw will recommend additional tests, which may include bloodwork.  He may requisition results from tests you’ve completed in the past. 



Click below to book your session with Dr. Sraw or call (250)477-5776

Other Services Offered

Regenerative Injection Therapy

Regenerative Injection Therapies (RIT) involve the injection of solution into damaged soft tissue to promote your body to self heal connective tissue like collagen, ligaments, cartilage and tendons.


Neural Therapy

Neural therapy is a powerful treatment that can be quite effective in resolving autonomic nervous system dysfunction and pain, especially in the complex pain patient.


Ozone and Oxidative Therapy

As we age our body’s ability to utilize oxygen decreases.  Sub-optimal transport and usage of oxygen impairs vital reactions in the body to heal and remain healthy.  Ozone and Oxidative Therapies improve oxygen utilization.


Chelation Therapy

Chelation therapy is method of detoxification of heavy metals that burden the body from optimal function relating to energy, sleep, cardiovascular health and immunity.    


Perineural Injection Treatment

Perineural Injection Therapy (PIT), synonymously referred as Neural Prolotherapy (NPT), is a safe and effective treatment for those suffering from inflamed and injured nerves causing pain.