Patients will often ask what they can do to help with helping the healing process of Prolotherapy and PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) – aka Regenerative Injection Therapy – and how optimize it.


First it’s important to understand what we are trying to accomplish with this approach.  The goal is to create a localized inflammatory response by guiding a needle into the injured region needing an added boost to create newer, healthier and stronger tissues.  These tissues are ligaments and tendons, primarily.  The injections help the body get the added boost it needs and gives it another chance at healing.


The injections are a pretty big game changer in many case, but, there’s more to it.   Complementing this healing process involves a complex interplay of NUTRITION, HORMONES, CIRCULATION, ADDRESSING UNDERLYING DISEASE, NEUROLOGIC, amongst other factors.  Most patients that do not heal from their original injuries will often have a disruption or deficiency in one or more of these factors.


Supplying your body with the appropriate support will help to optimize your results with prolotherapy and PRP.


Starting with NUTRITION:  One of the keys is to consume higher protein intake during the initial phases of therapy.  Protein in the form of grass-fed beef, bison, chicken, turkey, eggs, fish, some dairy (if not on a specific diet) will give your body the building blocks for healthy connective tissue synthesis.  In many cases supplementing with protein and collagen powders are a great way to increase protein efficiently.  This is particularly important in our vegetarian and vegan patients.  In addition to increasing your protein intake, a diet well rounded in a variety of meats, seafood, higher intake of colourful vegetables, some fruit, nuts and seeds is what you should be after.  Many of our patients are chronically dehydrated for a number of reasons – so, unless there is medical reasoning not to do it, the next step is to consume 1.5-3 Litres of water per day.  Nice try, but, coffee doesn’t count!


Supplementation is another great way to see through the healing process of prolotherapy and PRP.  Essential supplements include combinations of protein and collagen powders, Vitamin C, zinc, MSM, iron, glutamine, glycine and proline.


HORMONES:  In many instances (we’d say pretty much all cases), it is a good idea to know what you are dealing with as hormone deficiency is a factor in poor connective tissue recovery.  Testosterone, Growth Hormone, Progesterone and DHEA are hormones that play a key factor in stimulating healing of bone and connective tissue.  If you are not responding to therapy, are slow to recover or have multiple painful regions, then, testing your hormone status and appropriately treating for imbalances and deficiencies may make the difference between success and failure.  This is particularly a key factor when it comes to prolotherapy and PRP success.


CIRCULATION:  Next, recall, that the name of the game is to enhance blood flow to the impaired area.  More blood flow equates to more oxygenation.  And, OXYGEN HEALS!  So, anything that limits or enhances blood flow will have a big impact.  Smoking impairs circulation and limits oxygen availability to the tissues.  Whereas, movement and oxidative therapies (like ozone, prolozone) will help improve oxygenation to areas of the body.  Keep moving and try not to limit yourself if you don’t have to.  Exercise and mobilization of the treated areas is essential for recovery.  The continuation of breathwork, core strengthening, gym work, weights, swimming, walking and the like is imperative.   Be as active as you can be but don’t push it too hard for at least 1 week after the therapy.


UNDERLYING DISEASE:  This is one of the key tenets of naturopathic medicine.  Treat the underlying cause of dysfunction and disease to overcome the obstacle to cure.  By addressing systemic issues and widening the focus beyond the injured region we can better understand how to best support you on your path to recovery.  Are you


We like to remind our patients the full benefits of regeneration and recovery from prolotherapy or PRP takes time – as in, it can take months!  But, with the right application and support the process moves along better and more efficiently.