Comprehensive Naturopathic Medicine

For Health. For Well Being.

Neural Therapy

Neural Therapy is one of the best known natural healing methods in Germany, which is also practiced in Europe and North America.  It is designed to repair and restore normal function of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS).


Neural Therapy originated in Germany in the 1940’s as a way to treat chronic pain and illness by addressing blocks to the nervous system, known as interference fields.

What Is Neural Therapy?

Neural Therapy is the injection of local anaesthetic with homeopathic medicines at times.  The injections are at interference fields like scars, acupuncture points, trigger points and other tissues to relieve pain and dysfunction throughout the body.  The therapy aids in re-polarizing damaged neurons, halting them from incorrectly firing, which leads to alleviation of pain, mood and nervous system regulation.  Neural Therapy corrects disturbances in the electrochemical and electromagnetic parts of the tissues.  

The anesthetic solution works by altering and resetting the imbalance of the membrane potential of the nerve tissue by inhibiting the flow of signal along the nerve.  When the anesthetic wears off the membrane charge and nerve function is restored to a more balanced, healthier resting state.  It’s easy to think of the treatment like rebooting the computer system of the body, the autonomic nervous system, to reset and normalize function.  Think of a glitchy computer or smartphone that has not been restarted or reboot for a long time.  Procaine itself will suffice but with the addition of other agents like vitamins and homeopathic substance can further assist in the local healing response.

Chronic illness and pain are often preceded by a dysfunction of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS).  The ANS is part of our central nervous system. It controls over 80% of the automatic functions within our bodies.  These functions are activities like breathing, digestion, metabolism,  body temperature regulation, hormone production, circulation, immune function, and much more.  Every single cell in the body is connected to and controlled by the ANS.  Traumas to certain areas of the body causes the ANS to increase circulation to the affected area.  If the circulation becomes dysfunctional where it is unable to return to normal something known as an interference field develops.

Scar tissue is one of the most common causes of interference fields.  Damaged tissue creates abnormal signalling within the ANS, which is then transmitted throughout the body.  At times, this creates pain not close or some ways away from the scar. 

Interestingly, the ANS can sometimes react to interference fields in remote places of the body.  For example, a scar from a C-section could be contributing to a patient’s chronic migraines.

Interference fields can be caused by a variety of factors like chronic illness, physical and emotional trauma, surgery, infections, childbirth, vaccines,, tattoos, cuts, burns or dental work.

Neural therapy is used to correct interference fields and restore optimal function to the ANS. The treatment restores the body’s natural ability to heal itself and allows other therapies to work more effectively.

Neural Therapy is very effective in treating a wide variety of conditions by placing injections about nerves, acupuncture points, scars, muscle trigger points and other tissues to relieve pain and dysfunction throughout the body. 


What  Can I Expect with this treatment?

After an initial assessment the treatment is initiated by treating the dysfunctional area(s). The effect of the treatment often produces immediate relief of symptoms.  Patients can experience a feeling of euphoria, energy going to the head (‘lightening reaction’), pain relief and/or emotional release.  All responses are important in the healing process.

Since the response and success of this therapy depends on the overall health of the patient, severity of injury, and chronicity of injury it may be difficult to predict how many sessions will be required.  Once you begin treatment, Dr. Sraw will be able to monitor how you respond and provide a better estimate of how many treatments may be required.  


What  Can Neural Therapy Treat?

Headache and migraine
Back and neck pain, muscle pain, joint pain
Post-surgical pain (including dental)
Scar disturbances
Chronic pain from whiplash and head injury
Pelvic Pain
Post Concussion symptoms
Post-surgical pain
Digestive disturbances
Allergies & Asthma
Dizziness and Vertigo
Brain Fog
Sinusitis & Tonsillitis
Chronic infections
Hormone imbalances including thyroid, adrenal and ovarian hormones
Mood Issues



Your Next Steps

Neural therapy is only one part of an integrated treatment program that can address other obstacles to health.  As one component resolves, it is important to address the deeper layers as they arise.

Depending on your symptoms and your response to treatment, you may need a single – or multiple – neural therapy injection sessions.  Other therapies such as spinal adjustments, acupuncture, or detoxification that have had limited success can be more effective when the nervous system disturbance fields have been cleared.  Dr. Sraw’s takes on the whole body approach, as a whole and integrates all the systems to optimize a healing response.


Step 1


Your initial session is your opportunity to share your health goals, and for Dr. Sraw to gather vital information that will help determine the root cause of your concerns and to determine the best treatment plan for you.

A complete medical and lifestyle history regarding the details of your current and past health concerns, lifestyle and current medication and supplementation is taken during your initial session.


Step 2

Further Testing

As need be, Dr. Sraw will suggest further testing be conducted to uncover any questions remaining by the end of the first session.  Tests you have completed from the past may be requested, as well.

Step 3


Your initial session will include a physical examination.  The area of pain and surrounding areas will be examined.  Assessment may include gait assessment, orthopaedic testing and/or applied kinesiology.  Dr. Sraw may also use ultrasound to assess the injured tissue(s).




Click below to book your session with Dr. Sraw or call (250)477-5776

Other Services Offered

Regenerative Injection Therapy

Regenerative Injection Therapies (RIT) involve the injection of solution into damaged soft tissue to promote your body to self heal connective tissue like collagen, ligaments, cartilage and tendons.


Neural Therapy

Neural therapy is a powerful treatment that can be quite effective in resolving autonomic nervous system dysfunction and pain, especially in the complex pain patient.


Ozone and Oxidative Therapy

As we age our body’s ability to utilize oxygen decreases.  Sub-optimal transport and usage of oxygen impairs vital reactions in the body to heal and remain healthy.  Ozone and Oxidative Therapies improve oxygen utilization.


Chelation Therapy

Chelation therapy is method of detoxification of heavy metals that burden the body from optimal function relating to energy, sleep, cardiovascular health and immunity.    


Perineural Injection Treatment

Perineural Injection Therapy (PIT), synonymously referred as Neural Prolotherapy (NPT), is a safe and effective treatment for those suffering from inflamed and injured nerves causing pain.