Comprehensive Naturopathic Medicine

For Health. For Well Being.

Dr. Kully Sraw, Naturopathic Physician

 I am a Naturopathic Doctor.  Many people ask me how this all started?  Why Naturopathic Medicine?


Being a naturopathic doctor is not something I just do as an occupation.  It is something I live and breath.  It is something I try to embody and is a big part of who I am.  My passion is to help people feel better and achieve their health goals.  To be able to watch my patients become pain free, have more energy, have easier digestion and better moods is one the privileges I hold very close and dear.  My ultimate desire is to have my patients succeed which translates to more positive things in their lives. Simply put, helping making the world around them which is a better place for all.  


Many of my patients may be much like yourself, someone wanting to get back to feeling healthy and well again or maybe for the first time in your life.  Either way, you are likely wanting to have less pain, move better, breath better, have more energy, with a positive outlook on life and to take part in life again.  As long as you are committed to becoming healthy, I am ready to help you.  I ask my patients to be proactive and intentional (topped with enthusiasm doesn’t hurt) when it comes to achieving and maintaining good health.


Growing up, I was very active where I played several organized and competitive sports.  Pain and injury was something I was familiar and accustomed with.  It would present to me in numerous ways.  I was also heavily focused on keeping myself in peak condition.  Regular care through massage therapy, chiropractic and good nutritional awareness helped keep me strong and relatively injury free.  When I was 21 years old, studying in university, my life completely changed.  Unexpectedly and suddenly, my father passed away.

 As the shock of not having him physically in my corner wore off, many questions emerged.  My father’s condition presented quickly, without any indication.  How could this happen? Why did this happen?

 My parents were always interested in the relationship between nutrition, exercise and health.  Quality food, traditional and natural remedies were the norm in our home.  My parents were healthy and active.  The same questions were on repeat.  How did we lose him so early?  I needed these answers to help me understand and cope with my loss.  I remember it very clearly… nothing satisfied this need.  I spent hours tirelessly searching for answers.   This thirst to know was the catalyst that would drive my hunger and desire to always find out how and why things happen when it comes to health.  I suppose the switch broke as this is what drives me to help my patients to this day.

 Pain is Inevitable.
Suffering is Optional.


The need to know was my coping strategy which led me to explore various areas in life and health – physically, emotionally and spiritually.  It was a bit of a consolation of sorts but, the more I learned the more I wanted to know even more.  I investigated my father’s health history, his family history (genetics), environmental influences around where and how he grew up, any previous conditions or major accidents that could have compromised him, his diet and lifestyle – I wanted to know how this could happen to a healthy man and how it could have been prevented.  And, what was the meaning of all of this?  Sure enough, Naturopathic Medicine began to emerge and ultimately revealing itself to me.  Searching for the why, brought more clarity and understanding.  To this day there are still unanswered questions remaining as this is another lesson i had learned long ago. 

It take takes great courage to commit to living life, and to the fullest.  

My father’s passing was the impetus for my decision to enter the field of Naturopathic Medicine.  I’ve kept moving forwards and haven’t looked back.  Serving as many people as I can with Naturopathic Medicine is my calling.  My commitment is to help my patients towards a better life – to overcome pain, discomfort and challenges to health and the things that hold them back, to teach them to be informed champions of their own physical and mental health and to encourage them to share the benefits of their good health and knowledge with their families and friends.  You may feel good, but, you can feel better.  There’s always better.  I take great pleasure in helping people succeed in achieving their goals.

It’s really hard to believe that I am a 20 year veteran, now.  I feel as motivated and as energized as ever – I still love to learn something new everyday.  I laugh with as many people as I can.  I really appreciate building meaningful and successful experiences with my patients.  Healing starts with forming a quality relationship with your trusted people and network.  My goal is to be one of these people for you.


I have a general practice where I treat many things.  I take extra interest in the areas of pain and injury resolution, cardiovascular health, immune system imbalances, digestive issues, complex chronic disease (Lyme, coinfections, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia) and mental health.


 Who am I?  I’m a dad, a husband, a son, a brother, an uncle, a friend and a member of my community.  I get the complexities, beauty and foibles of our society and our world.  As I’ve continued to practice over the years I have been able to witness the strength and resilience of the human spirit and body.  The resolve to overcome with courage and persistence when there is so much resistance is such a huge inspiration.  It keeps me motivated and excited to keep helping and giving.  I’m very grateful to be a part of this process with my patients.

Your health will determine the quality of your life, your relationships and your happiness.  Which makes it the top priority in your life.  Health is something I’ve studied, lived, breathed, understand and know very well.

Visualize a life where things are better.  Better for yourself, your wife, your husband, your children, your parents, your brother, your sister, your family and your friends.

Now, let’s bring this to fruition and get started on this journey…


I’m here to help.


Dr. Kully Sraw, N.D.

Dr. Sraw is a member in good standing with the British Columbia Association of Naturopathic Doctors (BCNA), the College of Naturopathic Physicians in BC (CNPBC) and the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND). He has Prescriptive Authority (prescriptions) and holds certificates in Acupuncture, IV and Advanced Injection Therapy, Chelation Therapy, Ozone & Oxidative Therapies and Naturopathic Advanced Life Support (NALS) training.

BCNA British Columbia Naturopathic Association
CNPBC College of Naturopathic Physicians of British Columbia
CAND Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors